Coming in March 2025…
The Adult Ed team believes strongly that God has given us opportunities to serve Him, our congregation and community. In March 2025, we are excited to offer an extension of this service through a program called Thrive.
Thrive is a faith-based program with resources designed to aid participants through a journey to discover healthy solutions for body, mind and spirit, supported by prayer and scripture in a supportive, small group setting.
Thrive is not a professional resource and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or replace professional care. It is intended for anyone who wishes to nourish their mental health.
The program will start in March of 2025 with small groups of 5 to 10 young to older adults, meeting weekly. There will be 22 sessions - 11 in March through May and 11 in September through November.
We know that physical, mental and spiritual health are all connected, so we can’t talk a lot about one without including the others in some way. In keeping with that, sessions include varied topics such as: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Relational.
Bible Study Small Groups
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Join us at 9 am Thursday mornings for Bible Study. Located in the Zion Library. All questions, curiosities, and insights welcome!
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study typically meets the third Thursday of each month, on Thursdays at 7 pm. This group dives into one book of the Bible, reading 1-2 chapter of that book each month, until we have read through the entire book of the Bible. Currently, Women’s Bible Study is reading Isaiah.
Contact Pastor Ally to learn more!
Circle Groups
Circle groups meet monthly for Bible Study and fellowship, and are led by members. Some circle groups meet on-site at Zion, while others meet in someone’s home.
Contact the church office to learn more or to get connected with a circle group.
Book Club
Book Club meets every other month or as the group decides, Mondays at 7 pm in the Zion Library, to discuss a book
selected by the group participants.
Upcoming gatherings include:
Book Club List 2024
July 8: Ship of Brides by Jojo Moyes
September 9: Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
November 11: Caste origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
We will read this book incrementally. Here is the schedule for reading and discussion:
July – Part 3
September – Part 4
November – Parts 5, 6, 7
We will do another mystery exchange in November.
God Pause Daily Devotions
God Pause Daily Devotions from Luther Seminary are written by a wide variety of pastors. Each devotion includes Scripture, a short reflection, and prayer.
“Christ Calls Us to Wholeness”
The Adult Education Focus Group is putting together a series of videos, based on Portico’s Wholeness Wheel, to help you explore the six major areas of spiritual wellbeing in a series of educational videos.
Video #1 Support is Essential
Video #2 Health & Fitness: Physical Wellbeing
Video #3 “Optimism”
Video #4: “Health & Fitness Part 2: Yoga”
Video #5 “Basic Financial Wellness 1”