Disaster Recovery Ministry:
Rebuilding & Relationships
Our Mission: To provide rebuilding assistance to persons recovering from natural disasters. Please note that we are not disaster response as we are not one of the first groups in after a disaster. We provide longer term rebuilding assistance after the initial response has moved on.
We have an enclosed trailer that goes on our recovery trips with us. The trailer was purchased with funds from the Zion Endowment and is stocked with common tools such as sheet rock lifts, drills, hammers, power saws, screw drivers, saw horses, shop vac, etc.
By walking with our neighbors whose lives are marked by the ongoing impact of a natural disaster, we learn their stories and grow because of the power of these relationships.
Stay tuned for information on the next destination of the Disaster Recovery Team!
Jackson, Mississippi - February 29-March 8, 2020

Hattiesburg, Mississippi - February 9-17, 2019
Marshalltown, Iowa - September 16-21, 2019

Houston, TX
February 3-10, 2018