Volunteer at Zion

Sunday Worship Sign up

Please click the sign up button to sign up to help with Greeting, Reading, Ushering, Communion Assistants, Worship Slide Tech, Livestream Tech, Fellowship Treats and Coffee Clean up.

Wednesday Meal Lead Sign up

Please click the sign up button to sign up to be in charge of a Wednesday Meal or Dishwasher/cleanup duties. If you decide to do a meal, please save your receipts when you are purchasing items for the meal so you can be reimbursed.

Please let Wendy Kauffmann know if you have any questions.

2025 Lawn Mowing Schedule

Looking for an opportunity to do some volunteer work for the church? The 2024 lawn mowing schedule is here! We have a Zero Turn mower and if you are not familiar with operating it, we would be happy to provide you with some instruction. There is no need for trimming as that has already been taken care of. It takes about 3 hours to mow the church property. This is a great opportunity to get outside in the summer sun! Must be 18 or older to sign up.

Food Bag Ministry For Backpack Program Sign-up

Please click the sign up button to sign up to help with preparing, pickup and delivery of food bags to Bear Cave School.