Food Security Ministry
The Stewartville area churches are working to provide additional food security to those in need. Zion has had a Little Free Pantry for some time (thanks to the Girl Scouts and the congregation) and this is being expanded to six pantries sponsored and located at:
• Central School, entrance ( St. John’s)
• Library, entrance (possibly moved when remodeling is complete) (Grace)
• MS/HS, MS entrance front doors (Grace)
• Northern Ridge, mailbox area (St. Bernards?)
• Southern Hills, mailbox area (United Methodist)
• Zion Church, entry inside
To donate food, a shopping cart will be outside the sanctuary doors. Monetary donations can be turned into Wendy K. Please make checks payable to Zion and note that it is for ‘food insecurity’. Please also specify if the money should be used by Zion or divided equally among participating churches. Thanks again for all your support in helping address food insecurity in Stewartville. If you have any questions, please contact Nikki Garnatz, Kaysie Manion, Christa Smidt or Sheryl Hinton.
Zion’s food security ministry strives to meet physical needs related to food and hunger for families in our local community. The food security group is dreaming up additional measures to address food security in our community in a meaningful way. If you’re interested in helping address food security, contact the church office.
Food Bag Program: Volunteers pack food they purchase into individual bags for students. Packed food bags are delivered to Bear Cave Intermediate School in Stewartville for distribution by school staff to children who need food assistance. The goal of the food bag program is to help students with food security during the weekends to supplement food available at school on weekdays.
Thanksgiving Box Program: Volunteers purchase food items and pack Thanksgivings boxes for families in need during the Thanksgiving holiday, with the goal of providing a full Thanksgiving meal for each family. Food items include: a turkey, stuffing, gravy, instant mashed potatoes, cranberries, pie and whipped cream. Food items are purchased with money that has been donated by the members of the Zion congregation.