Upcoming events and activities at Zion
Coming up at Zion this week
Welcome to Zion
Zion Lutheran Church has opportunities for fellowship and worship every Sunday. With lots of music and Biblical worship, we would love to have you join us!
Worship with Zion
Worship with us in person or via live-stream on Sundays
9 AM Worship with Organ
10 AM Coffee and Calories Fellowship -
Summer Mission Trip
High School Mission trip to Puerto Rico
July 26/27 - Aug 1/2
Zion Apparel Available
Choose from 3 different designs!
10% of purchases go towards the youth ELCA Gathering this summer.
Youth Events @ Zion
Mission Quilters: We will be meeting every Wednesday from now on. We meet from 8:30 am to noon or later. If you would like more information, please contact Jo Schimek.
Do you play organ or piano? Do you enjoy accompanying choir? Join our team of musicians who play for your 9:00 worship service. Contact Matt Huggenvik or Pr. Tim if you are interested or have questions.
Volunteers are needed at the Senior Center to help package up meals Monday through Friday from approximately 10 am to noon. Days are flexible. Please contact Sharon at the Senior Center at 507-533-4787. If she does not answer please leave a message with our name and phone number and days you are available. Thank you.
Zion is a recycling church: Zion tries to be environmentally friendly by recycling all that we can. There are bins designated for recycling items in the back of the sanctuary, kitchen, offices, workroom and various areas in the downstairs area. Please be considerate of these bins and place only recyclable objects in them and trash in the trash cans. Thank you.
Youth Events
The youth events are being planned by our Youth Team. Anyone is welcome to join us at our meetings. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact one of the team members: Jake Schimek, Alivia Garnatz (youth members), Pastor Ally, Jen Schimek, Sheryl Johnson Chaloner, Tanya Waugh, Marie Amy, & Nicole Garnatz (adult members).
Adult Bible Study: Thursday morning Bible study begins at 9 AM everyone is welcome to join in.
Bible Study on Genesis will be meeting Thursdays at 1 PM.