Live stream Teardown
Stop live streaming
Stop streaming and recording
To stop streaming and recording click on Record and Stream at the bottom of the vMix window. Click OK to any windows that come up.
You can also stop streaming and recording by pressing the Toggle Stream or Toggle Rec on the Stream Deck. (If they are red, then it is streaming/recording, if dark then not).
YouTube shutdown
Click on Microsoft Edge
Click on End Stream
If a window comes up asking if you would like to end the stream, click End
Click on DISMISS
Close out of Microsoft Edge
Stop streaming applications
Close all open apps (vMix and Camera application)
Sound shutdown
If this is the early service or there is a next service, do not shut down the sound system.
Power off the speakers in the black box.
NOTE: Have this switched to O for power.
Reach around the right side to turn off the sound board.
Place the dust cover on the sound board.
Close and lock the soundboard cabinet by turning the lock and spining the numbers.